About SWQ:
“It is a fascinating work and an excellent resource for anyone who wants to study advances in experimental music. It is also thoroughly enjoyable.”
By Ken Cheetham (Jazz Views)
- “Zürich-based alto saxophonist and bassoonist Sandra Weiss contributes a startling, connective roughness to the five group improvisations.(…) It may take international diplomacy but the gratifying voyage – or ramble – taken by the ad-hoc SWQ should be repeated.”
By Ken Waxman (Jazz Word)
- “The quintet shows amazing control on this 2/6/15 date as they seem to blow as close to silence without actually being silent. Interesting and a puzzlement.”
By Robert D. Rusch (The Cadence Building)
- “This is extraordinary work that leaves one wanting more, because one knows it won’t be the same.”
By Stuart Broomer (The New York City Jazz Record)
- “The personnel selected for the group is superb – all involved are very skilled at the kind of avant minimalism that makes up Weiss’ artistic vision(…)Last night was a true delight in this regard. The music of Weiss and her bandmates conjured up an entire world and though each member of the audience no doubt consumed it differently, I will share my personal experience here.(…)”
By Cisco Bradley (Jazz Right Now)
- “Weiss scheint dagegen mit dem Gegenwind per Du, als das Ärmchen eines Seesterns, der mit den bruitistischen Wassern von Tejo und Spree gewaschen ist.”
By Rigobert Dittmann (Bad Alchemy)
- “It takes some time to be used to the way things evolve here: slowly and carefully. Impressive nonetheless.”
By Bruce Gallanter (Downtown Music Gallery, NYC)
- “Questa session in studio ha qualcosa di speciale che non ha però da fare con il genere proposto. C’è una comunicazione reale che in qualche modo si trasmette, al di là della radicalità della proposta.”
By Vittorio (Music Zoom)
- "Ramble" è un attento studio sul suono, che si gioca nella contrapposizione della percussività della strumentazione ritmica di contro all'area delle strozzature della sezione fiati, indicando un settore di ricerca in cui musicisti come Mats Gustaffson o Christine Sehnaoui Abdelnour hanno profuso idee essenziali, spinte sullo sperimentalismo e l'organizzazione Sonora (…)
Il senso dell'incombenza si avverte anche in Transition suite, che ulteriormente convalida l'idea che questi musicisti siano già delle realtà fatte e finite dell'improvvisazione europea, di cui bisogna prendere solo atto “
By Ettore Garzia (Percorsi Musicali)
- “Ainsi, entendre leurs tuyaux de cuivres effleurer les distances sans approcher l’ennui, enserrer le grain, fuir le flou, faire de la périphérie un environnement fertile. Ailleurs, remarquer le fin raclement des cercles sur les fûts, les balayages de souffles, l’abandon des arrière et premier plans au profit d’un écran-gîte expansif. Et ne pas s’étonner de leurs cris de bêtes, de leurs halètements, car ici il y a meute. Plutôt, s’interroger sur ce vrai solo de contrebasse, anachronisme (?) pointant en toute fin d’enregistrement, révélant ainsi un possible peu rencontré jusqu’alors. Demain, la suite…”
By Luc Bouquet (Le Son Du Grisli)
SWQ on the radio:
- 19.09.2015 in “Jazz funkt” on FRS(Free Radio for Stuttgart) with Günther Bajtl
- 2.10.2015 in “and now jazz” on Radio T Chemnitz with Klaus Wiedenhoeft
- 14.10.2015 in "Improvizorijum" on Radio Beograd 3 with Milenko Micanovic
- September 2015 in “La Nuit Des Sauriens” on 90.1(FM) with Patrick Pincot
- 9.11.2015 in Taran’s Free Jazz Hour with Taran Singh
-17.12.2015 / 21.&28.1.2016 in “Beyond the Beyond” on CHRW 94.9 FM(the campus station of the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, Canada) with Richard Moule.
-28.2.2016 in “Discreet Music” on Pacifica Radio KPFA-FM(Berkeley, California) with Dean Suzuki.